5 Products Every Acne Routine Needs
May 6, 2021
There are a ridiculous number of skincare products on the market. Seems like thousands for acne skincare alone. So how do you figure out what you actually NEED on a daily basis?
We thought this would be a good time to break down our top 5 acne skincare products every person battling acne actually needs. Short, simple and to the point.
- Cleanser – You need to use a cleanser that suits your skin type (combination, oily, sensitive or normal) and you need to use one that does not contain coconut derived detergents that are commonly found in over-the-counter cleansers that actually aggravate acne. Once you have this cleanser – USE IT! Make sure to wash your face and other areas affected by acne breakouts AT LEAST twice daily. If you are feeling oily mid-day, you can add a third wash into your routine.
- Exfoliator – There are a lot of fancy facial brushes out in the market these days and while those are not bad for you by any means, you can achieve exfoliation more simply by using a simple exfoliating sponge every time you wash your face. The benefits of consistent exfoliation are many. When it comes to acne-prone skin, removing topical dead skin cells makes your topical medication stronger and more effective. Also, it’s easier to apply makeup to smoother, less flaky skin.
- Moisturizer – Many people fighting acne are literally scared to use moisturizer because they believe it will exacerbate acne breakouts. This is not true. At least not if you have a moisturizer that is non-comedogenic. The right moisturizer will prevent your skin from becoming dry and irritated. Added bonus if your moisturizer is also a sunscreen! Yup – we can’t have a blog post where we don’t press every single one of our clients to use sunscreen on a daily basis.
- Mask – Adding a medicated sulfur mask to your routine is a secret weapon when it comes to fighting acne breakouts. The sulfur in the mask kills bacteria build up, exfoliates inside the hair follicles where pimples form and also soothes the skin. When used 3-5 times/week, you will find breakouts not only reduce greatly in size but in frequency as well.
- Medication – If you’re battling acne, you absolutely need to use a topical medication to prevent new acne breakouts. For more mild breakouts (small whiteheads and blackheads) use topical medications like glycolic acid (for darker/less sensitive skin) or salicylic acid (for more sensitive/skin that turns red easily). For moderate breakouts (larger whiteheads, consistent breakouts) increase your medication strength and use benzoyl peroxide. And if you have severe breakouts (cysts), use a combination of these topical medications and increase to our sulfur/benzoyl medication that is so strong, we will only sell to existing clients.
That’s it. You don’t need to get fancy with expensive tools and products. If you maintain this routine consistently, you WILL get clear. Not overnight, it takes 3-4 months typically. Side bar: Anyone who tells you they can “cure” acne in a matter of days is lying.
Have more questions? Call, text or email us now! We are always here for you.
Call/text: 925.933.8425
Email: clearskin@ninjaskincare.com