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Secret Agent Sulfur Formula

(16 customer reviews)

$21.99 – or subscribe and get 5% off

This lightweight paraben free gel contains sulfur and resorcinol – two proven anti-acne ingredients – and is a potent alternative for those skin types allergic or sensitive to benzoyl peroxide.

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Sulfur unclogs pores and lifts out impurities while resorcinol acts as an antiseptic to clear existing blemishes more quickly. Suitable for all facial and body acne-prone skin types. Explicit instructions will be included with this product to avoid excessive irritation to the skin. Avoid sun exposure when this product is on the skin.

NOTE: Your order will be reviewed before processing and we may contact you to ensure you are ordering the best products for your skin type.


  • Contains no benzoyl peroxide
  • Treats existing acne blemishes and prevents future breakouts
  • Contains resorcinol – a strong antiseptic to clear existing blemishes more quickly
  • Paraben free and ideal for skin types allergic or sensitive to benzoyl peroxide

Size: 2.5 oz

16 reviews for Secret Agent Sulfur Formula

  1. Jo Carpine

    My dermatologist actually recommended this cream for rosacea and I’m very happy with the results so far. I’ve used it once a day for about two weeks now and it has cleared up my rosacea outbreak. I’ll continue using it to keep redness and small bumps away and will purchase again. The only thing I don’t care for is the scent of the cream (I’m guessing it’s the sulfur ingredient). It’s not all unpleasant, just a stronger smell than what I like in a face cream. However, this is a small issue compared to the benefits of this product. Thank you for an effective and affordable treatment for rosacea!

  2. Amelia Cooke

    I tried Benzoyl in the past and didn’t like it. It discolored all my clothes and made my skin red and itchy. Once I mentioned it to Pamela, she sent me this which was something I had never even heard of. The smell is different, but not really gross like you think of when you think of sulfur. It works too! My skin has never been clearer.

  3. Trisha Jones

    This stuff is amazing! I’ve been using it for about 4yrs. Pamela caught early on that I was allergic to benzoyl and had me switch to this. It doesn’t feel harsh at all but it works!!!

  4. jstewart

    I had trouble finding something strong enough to treat my acne that I’m not allergic to so when I discovered this product, I knew I had to try it and I was amazed by the results. Definitely great stuff!

  5. Vanessa G

    I am so happy I found this product! It has worked miracles on my skin, clearing up some stubborn acne and closed comodones. Highly recommend for those with sensitive skin, as this product is very gentle. I don’t even really notice the scent anymore either. 🙂

  6. sxsw

    Have been having problems with adult acne, it was terrible and I felt like a teenager again! My skin did not respond to salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or adapalene. Bought this stuff on a whim, and it completely cleared up my skin, I finally feel normal again!

    My skin is naturally oily, and my routine is wash my face with either a mild soap or something with exfoliating beads in it, then add a thin layer of this stuff all over at night. Really worked for me.

  7. Sandi

    I am almost afraid to jinx myself by leaving this positive review. I have suffered from acne rosacea for about 9 years. It’s gotten worse and worse, my face was so sensitive and it was painful to touch. I’ve tried so many products and the results were always minimal and short term. I heard about this product on some random blog post and decided to give it a shot since I had tried everything else. After one night I saw an immediate improvement. The next 3 nights improved even more. The product is very drying so I skipped a night and then used it again and I almost have my old face back. I can’t even believe it. My complexion hasn’t been this clear in years. I am praying that it doesn’t backfire on me or stop working. I’m seriously amazed. Like many people said it is very drying but the company keeps telling me that is normal and actually the expected and desired result. I am believieng anything they say at this point! The scent is definitely unpleasant but not unbearable. I am going to keep using it at night and hope it can prevent future breakouts.

  8. Gracie B

    For a sulfur product it is good in a lot of different ways. First, after having used a lot of acne products in my life, I will say that for a sulfur product it is not stinky at all. At least not to me. There are WAY worse ones out there, trust me. And for people like me who can’t use benzoyl having a non stinky sulfur medication is a gift from god. Then the second thing that I like about it is that it works. The results I saw were pretty immediate, which was refreshing compared to a lot of other products I have used that swear up and down they work but even after 2 months there is no change.

  9. Rosey

    Pam at Ninja is incredible. I told her that I thought I had an allergy to benzoyl peroxide so she suggested I try this product instead. I honestly never thought anything would ever get my skin clear except for prescription drugs, which I hated when I was on them. To find out there is an alternative that works was a miracle for me.

  10. Donny A

    Love the product. Haven’t found anything quite a powerful for me – since I am very sensitive to benzoyl peroxide so that product is not viable for me. Since I also have severely acne-prone skin it has been a long battle trying to find something that could help me with my skin. Since I have started this, my skin has improved unbelievably. To be honest, I am just annoyed that it took me this long to find it. 4 stars for the shipping cost to Australia. Still well worth it.

  11. Erick

    Helped tremendously with my facial and body acne. Overall complexion has greatly improved, skin is smoother to the touch and looks healthier. Causes minor pealing, but that is easily fixable with gentle exfoliator and a good moisturizer. Results worth all the “cons” and every penny spent. Noticed improvement in 3 days.

  12. Tiana

    I LOVE this product. I have suffered from acne for 20 yrs. I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on everything. Then on a whim, I tried this brand I had never heard of which is like 1/4 the cost of everything else I used and it’s fantastic. My skin is smooth, soft, no inflammation. My skin hasn’t looked this good since I was a kid. I leave it on for 10-20 min each night and rinse. My skin peeled for the first week or two but has been great since. I have really oily skin and since using this product I don’t need any foundation/makeup which is great. If you have adult acne try this one last thing. You’ve already tried everything else, why not give it a whirl, you’ll be surprised how well it works.

    Beware: It stinks—sulfur/matchstick smell. I haven’t noticed any staining of my clothes/hair/towels.

  13. Giselle P

    This was my last ditch effort for saving my skin. I didn’t know I was sensitive to benzoyl for the longest time until it was finally pointed out to me by someone I spoke with at Ninja. What a lifesaver! They suggested I either try this or some other acid (I forget which one) but I wanted the strongest thing available!!

    I went for it, did exactly what they said and am astounded by the results. This is a superb alternative to people who are not having benzoyl work for them. I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon it!

  14. Nicole

    I love this sulfur formula. It’s gentle but very effective. After trying another product and having a reaction to it, Pamela recommended I use this. Right away I saw a difference in my skin. After using this for just one week I was no longer getting deep painful blemishes that would take weeks to heal. This skincare line has saved my skin, nothing but improvement since I started using it!

  15. Melina G

    I first try benzole for my skin but my skin is very hard to make happy. This happen when I use CLearasil too. I call them and tell them what hapen. They tell me that mabe benzoyl no good for my skin, that my skin to sensitiva. So they tell me try this. I try it and I like it very much. My pimpls not come so soon now. My pimpls much smaller and my face is much more happy. My husband thinks I look very pretty now.

  16. CindyA

    I have been on every prescription drug made. I have tried every over the counter option and my acne has just plagued me my entire life. I cannot sing the praises of Ninja Skincare enough. I read about it on a blog and took a leap of faith. I got in touch with them and they got me on a very aggressive treatment program, taking into account how long I had been battling it and how nothing had ever worked.

    I have tried the Xtra Strength Cleanser and the Secret Agent Sulfur Medication and between the two of those, I just cannot even put into words the almost instantaneous difference I saw in my skin. Even as I write this, there are tears in my eyes thinking about how long I suffered needlessly, simply because I didn’t know about this product. My skin is now the best it has been in 20 years and I am so happy I took that leap of faith.

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