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Springs cleaning starts now with your skin!

February 8, 2024

Clean Now – Clear Later!

In the past weeks, we’ve received several messages from clients about having excessively dry skin. They each confessed they are reducing the frequency of applying their topical medications to help combat their winter time dry skin. Of course, skipping medication applications will permit new pimples to form for the future.

A couple of clients also admitted to using heavy duty moisturizers they dug out of the bottom of their bathroom cabinets or borrowing their mom’s moisturizer.

While we know it’s tempting to do one or both of these, we also know that our skin care routine today will affect our breakouts in a few months.

Clear skin in spring is dictated by our actions today. We know – it’s a total bummer.

If you are experiencing very dry skin this winter as well, we have some tips to help you out.. but none of which will be to stop using your topical medications!

One of the top tips would be to be careful with applying thick or sticky moisturizers. Especially ones that have been sitting in your back cupboard for years!

Some tips to add moisture to your skin during dry winter months:

  1. Apply your Multiplexion Moisturizer when your skin is still damp after washing your face in the morning. It’s also OK to reapply throughout the day.
  2. Use a humidifier in your bedroom for 30–45 minutes before you go to sleep to increase the moisture content in the air.
  3. Make sure you are not over-caffeinating yourself on these shorter/darker days. Caffeine and alcohol both dehydrate your body, so shoot for at least 8+ glasses of water a day, more if you’re consuming caffeinated or alcoholic drinks.
  4. If you have visible dry/flaky skin, don’t forget that daily exfoliation is your best friend! Using our facial sponges every time you wash your face will gently exfoliate the loose, topical skin cells. And, using the Exfoliating Enzyme Mask every 10 to 14 days, (either all over or on smaller areas of your face) will completely remove dry, dead skin cells.

Sometimes we do decrease the strength or application frequency of topical medications during the winter time, but we have to be careful with making these changes, so we do not cause a flareup in the springtime that then carries over into summer.

And, I know you’re probably going to be shocked to read this next sentence 🤣🤣, but we really encourage you to check in like these other clients did so we can help you on an individual basis with your skin care routine. It is always our pleasure to help you have reliably clear (and comfortable) skin year round!

Questions? Comments? We would love to hear from you!


Text/Call: 925.933.8425

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