The most effective acne product
May 23, 2017
Why is Ninja the most effective acne product available?
Happy clients have asked us why our products are so much more effective than anything they’ve tried in the past to clear up their skin. After a couple of weeks on Ninja products and seeing positive changes, people’s reactions are often similar. “Why aren’t you more well known?!” and “Why is this working for me when nothing else ever has??”
These are both very valid questions. 🙂
First: Why aren’t we more well known?
We’re working on it! Recent media exposure and of course, word of mouth from our clients is helping us grow! While we are very grateful for that, we are also pleased to maintain a smaller company feel, having direct and consistent contact with every one of our clients.
Second: Why is this working for me when nothing else ever has?
This is a slightly more difficult question. As you likely know, our products contain no interfering oils that stop the topical medications from working down into the hair follicles to prevent new pimples. Other companies use fillers and stabilizers often made from clogging oil derivatives that stop the active ingredients from working as well. How can we make our products without these interfering ingredients? We are small batch retailers – meaning we make our products in small quantities so they are more fresh and don’t require the long shelf life of other skincare products available. We don’t need to use the level of fillers, stabilizers and preservatives (all which can clog your pores!) that other retailers do because our products don’t need a 5+ year shelf life!
But there are 2 other reasons for our treatment’s success, outside of the product itself.
First is that we request regular check-ins from our clients, especially during the first few months of treatment. The reason for frequent followups is to find the optimal treatment for each client’s skin. Often we need to make changes to the products or the treatment routine to get the best possible results. Without regular conversations, we don’t how your skin is responding to your new Ninja treatment and we are unable to modify your skincare routine. So if you haven’t checked in for a while, please do so now!
Second, and equally as important, is during our initial consultation with new clients, we urge, plead, and beg them to please follow the application instructions that come with their first order of Ninja Skincare products. (If you don’t have them handy, they are available here) Your success rate is much higher when you follow our directions exactly as they are written, as well as asking questions for clarification if needed.
There are two very important instructions:
1. Where to apply medication (check out our nifty face diagram).
2. How to get your skin accustomed to your new nighttime topical medication. Our topical medications contain strong active ingredients with no interfering oils, so they are more powerful than what you have used before. It is important to build up your skin’s tolerance slowly to wearing the medication overnight. We have you start by applying the medication for one hour for 2-3 nights, then 2 hours for 2-3 nights, then 3 hours for 2-3 nights before wearing it overnight. PLEASE do not immediately apply your Ninja Skincare topical medication overnight! This can result in redness and excessive dryness which causes your skin to produce more skin cells, which die off and get clogged and cause new pimples to form for the future.
If you aren’t seeing the results you want, please contact us asap so we can figure out how we need to adjust your treatment. Once we find the best treatment for your specific skin type, you will begin the healing process and be clear within weeks!