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Clear Up Bacne – Your Summer Guide

June 16, 2016

Tips on how to clear up BACNE during the summer season!

Acne breakouts aren’t just seasonal as most know. Pimples show up as much in the dead of winter as in the middle of summer. But what we do find is that acne TREATMENT is seasonal and we’re getting into the thick of that season now. Why you ask? Summer is the time of year when people show more skin. We wear less makeup, more revealing clothing, ponytails, and go swimming. But what if your skin isn’t so great and the acne and bacne that you’ve been able to cover up with sweatshirts and jackets all winter is suddenly exposed? What if you suffer from acne or bacne? Now is the time to seriously get back on a consistent treatment program, drink more water… and try to catch up with your skin’s breakouts. Clear up bacne breakouts once and for all!

For this blog, we are specifically addressing back acne – or BACNE as it is affectionately called. Bacne is a tough pill for a lot of sufferers because it is literally harder to reach. You can feel the breakouts but have to twist and contort in the mirror to SEE them. In a way, this is a good thing because it means bacne sufferers can’t easily pick at their skin.  Less picking means fewer marks and reduced introduction of additional bacteria which may cause more inflamed breakouts.

Here are some tips for how to clear up bacne:

SHOWER IMMEDIATELY AFTER EXERCISING. By quickly removing the sweat that has accumulated during your workout, you reduce the time your skin is in contact with excess topical salts. Those salts can irritate your skin and make it produce more pimples for the future as well as inflame existing pimples.  

While you are working out, wear a lightweight, breathable shirt that won’t cause friction on existing breakouts. Tight-fitting, ill-breathing clothes and chaffing (like wearing a backpack) are common factors that aggravate bacne.

Bring your acne treatment products with you to the gym if you shower there – don’t use the cheap gym-supplied products! Use your acne cleanser and then ALWAYS apply your topical daily medication (salicylic or glycolic acid) after your shower.  Since bacne is sometimes difficult to reach, we suggest applying your medications with our Back Lotion Applicator. It’s a handy tool to help you evenly spread topical medications on your back without becoming a contortionist!

CHANGE UP YOUR LAUNDRY DETERGENT.  Make sure any clothing and linens that touch your back rinse well in the laundry. Detergent buildup is often irritating to the skin. Many detergents have heavy synthetic fragrance added which can also cause increased irritation and dryness on the skin -leading to more breakouts.  Additionally, dryer sheets deposit a waxy coating on fabric which can lead to clogged pores and, you got it, more breakouts!

CHOOSE YOUR HAIR PRODUCTS CAREFULLY! Did you know your hair products are possible bacne aggravators?  All shampoo and conditioners use coconut oils to make your hair smooth and shiny. The component of coconut oil they use is clogging and if it’s left on your skin it will make more pimples form. So rinse your shampoo and conditioner off to the side in the shower to avoid having it go down your back and then wash with your acne cleansers last to remove excess oils. Also, pull up your wet hair if it’s long enough to touch your back.

SUNSCREEN UP! Don’t get sunburned! Or tan, for that matter. Even though the sun will dry up existing pimples and make your skin look temporarily better, it will damage cells – making your skin produce more skin cells which dry off and get stuck and make new pimples. Don’t be tempted! Please wear your Daily Defender Sunscreen SPF 30 and cover up when in the sun this summer.

A few ‘little’ things add up to a ‘big’ things – follow these simple tips to clear up acne for the whole summer.

  • Be consistent with your topical acne treatment
  • Remove oils and subsequent irritation from hair and laundry products
  • Reduce friction to the skin on your back
  • Don’t get a suntan or sunburn

If you just looked in the mirror after reading this blog and need to clear up bacne, contact us and we will set up a treatment program designed just for you!

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